
Anti-aging program includes comprehensive treatments of acupuncture, acupressure massage, herbal mask and aromatic herbal soaking bag. Those therapies can re-contour your body/ mind, restore muscle tone, reduce body fat and relief wrinkles. Our treatment enable you to look, feel and function a new levels in your youth.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine inhibit the aging of your skin cells and brain cells, which stop the progressive tissue injury and other related aging diseases in the aging system and rejuvenate your energy levels. 

Our anti-aging programs and acupuncture services with acupressure massage can improve your skin texture, tightness and moisture. All these methods are safe and authentic by the medical experts. Our utmost priority is patient health. We don't compromise on health issues.

At Eastway Wellness LLC, the results are priceless, but the treatment fee is affordable.

Eastway Wellness Boston Acupuncture, 360B TREMONT STREET, BOSTON MA 02116, 857-233-2575